The beginnings of the innovative entrepreneur in the age of mercantilist capitalism: facts and theories

Domenico Catalano

Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in political economy, 2024, n° 84 (1), pp.51-88. ⟨10.3917/cep1.084.0051⟩

The innovative entrepreneur is a central figure in the industrial capitalism that emerged in the 19th century. However, his advent is the result of a long historical process that began in the era of mercantilist capitalism with the emergence of new economic behaviours embodied by the project maker. In this context, we need to study the conditions of emergence of this non-routine entrepreneur. Progress in knowledge has played a major role in fuelling the ambitions of men with projects. Based on the analyses proposed by Defoe, Cantillon, Turgot and Smith, we propose to situate the debates around the project maker in order to better understand what is at stake.

Domenico Catalano. The beginnings of the innovative entrepreneur in the age of mercantilist capitalism: facts and theories. Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in political economy, 2024, n° 84 (1), pp.51-88. ⟨10.3917/cep1.084.0051⟩ - lien externe. ⟨hal-04724343⟩ - lien externe



Catalano, D. (2024). The beginnings of the innovative entrepreneur in the age of mercantilist capitalism: facts and theories. In Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in political economy.


Catalano, Domenico. “The Beginnings of the Innovative Entrepreneur in the Age of Mercantilist Capitalism: Facts and Theories.” Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in Political Economy, May 2024,


Catalano, Domenico. 2024. “The Beginnings of the Innovative Entrepreneur in the Age of Mercantilist Capitalism: Facts and Theories.” Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in Political Economy.


Catalano, D. (2024) “The beginnings of the innovative entrepreneur in the age of mercantilist capitalism: facts and theories,” Cahiers d'Economie Politique = Papers in political economy. Available at:

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CATALANO, Domenico, 2024. The beginnings of the innovative entrepreneur in the age of mercantilist capitalism: facts and theories [en ligne]. May 2024. Disponible à l'adresse :