Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the logic of Violence.

Sophie Jehel

Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société, 2018, 123, ⟨10.4000/terminal.3226⟩

The circulation of violent images is enhanced by the strategies of digital platforms aimed at “addiction” to their devices and the circulation of affects : it stimulates interactions, allowing the collection of personal data by their algorithms. Dealing with digital violence requires for teenagers a double work to which this article is focused : together with the quasi « digital – labor » involved in the sharing activities, recommendations, comments they arouse, is added a deep work of managing emotions experienced with violent, sexual and hateful images, and expressing them on platforms. The emotional work of teenagers consists of managing the gaps between the different rules of feeling they refer to, from the platform, the peers and the parents. They are not equally equipped to do this work and build autonomous postures, resistant to the logic of violence that affect their digital circulation. Some of them develop attitudes of adherence to the logic of violence and lose the ability to listen to their own feelings, to protect their subjectivity. The commercial exploitation of emotions includes a risk of reification to which adolescents are particularly exposed and which reinforces the cycle of digital violence. The article is based predominantly on a qualitative survey conducted among 200 adolescents from social and school backgrounds differentiated between 2015 and 2017 by semi-structured interviews.

Sophie Jehel. Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the logic of Violence.. Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société, 2018, 123, ⟨10.4000/terminal.3226⟩ - lien externe. ⟨hal-04398808⟩ - lien externe



Jehel, S. (2018). Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the logic of Violence. In Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société. https://api.istex.fr/ark:/67375/G14-VZJHTNPX-R/fulltext.pdf?sid=hal


Jehel, Sophie. “Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the Logic of Violence.” Terminal. Technologie De l’Information, Culture & Société, Dec. 2018, https://api.istex.fr/ark:/67375/G14-VZJHTNPX-R/fulltext.pdf?sid=hal.


Jehel, Sophie. 2018. “Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the Logic of Violence.” Terminal. Technologie De l’Information, Culture & Société. https://api.istex.fr/ark:/67375/G14-VZJHTNPX-R/fulltext.pdf?sid=hal.


Jehel, S. (2018) “Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the logic of Violence.,” Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société. Available at: https://api.istex.fr/ark:/67375/G14-VZJHTNPX-R/fulltext.pdf?sid=hal.

ISO 690

JEHEL, Sophie, 2018. Teenagers Facing Digital Violence: between Adherence and Resistance to the logic of Violence. [en ligne]. December 2018. Disponible à l'adresse : https://api.istex.fr/ark:/67375/G14-VZJHTNPX-R/fulltext.pdf?sid=hal