Vincent Rouzé. At the intersections of popular music : From background music to localized alternative musical experiences. "Made in France", Guibert G. & Rudent C. (dir.), Routledge, In press. ⟨hal-02556317⟩ (lien externe)
Rouzé, V. (2018). At the intersections of popular music : From background music to localized alternative musical experiences.
Rouzé, Vincent. At the Intersections of Popular Music : From Background Music to Localized Alternative Musical Experiences. Jan. 2018,
Rouzé, Vincent. 2018. “At the Intersections of Popular Music : From Background Music to Localized Alternative Musical Experiences.”
Rouzé, V. (2018) “At the intersections of popular music : From background music to localized alternative musical experiences.” Available at:
ROUZÉ, Vincent, 2018. At the intersections of popular music : From background music to localized alternative musical experiences [en ligne]. January 2018. Disponible à l'adresse :