Cognitive-cultural production, digital labour and the new frontiers of knowledge. A conversation with Allen J. Scott

Allen John Allen J. Scott, Lucarelli Stefano, Michael A. Peters, Carlo Vercellone

Knowledge Cultures, 2014, 1 (4), pp.167-178

What is the role played by cognitive-cultural production? What are the meanings and the stakes of the "feminization" of labor? What is the meaning of "Digital Taylorism"? Is the metropolis today a functional substitute for the factory in the context of industrial capitalism? What is the role of universities in cultural-cognitive capitalism? Is there a contradictory relationship between knowledge-based economy and cognitive capitalism? Stefano Lucarelli, Michael A. Peters and Carlo Vercellone interview Allen J. Scott

Allen John Allen J. Scott, Lucarelli Stefano, Michael A. Peters, Carlo Vercellone. Cognitive-cultural production, digital labour and the new frontiers of knowledge. A conversation with Allen J. Scott. Knowledge Cultures, 2014, 1 (4), pp.167-178. ⟨halshs-00973511⟩ - lien externe



Allen J. Scott, A. J., Stefano, L., Peters, M. A., & Vercellone, C. (2014). Cognitive-cultural production, digital labour and the new frontiers of knowledge. A conversation with Allen J. Scott. In Knowledge Cultures.


Allen J. Scott, Allen John, et al. “Cognitive-Cultural Production, Digital Labour and the New Frontiers of Knowledge. A Conversation with Allen J. Scott.” Knowledge Cultures, Jan. 2014,


Allen J. Scott, Allen John, Lucarelli Stefano, Michael A. Peters, and Carlo Vercellone. 2014. “Cognitive-Cultural Production, Digital Labour and the New Frontiers of Knowledge. A Conversation with Allen J. Scott.” Knowledge Cultures.


Allen J. Scott, A.J. et al. (2014) “Cognitive-cultural production, digital labour and the new frontiers of knowledge. A conversation with Allen J. Scott,” Knowledge Cultures. Available at:

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ALLEN J. SCOTT, Allen John, STEFANO, Lucarelli, PETERS, Michael A. and VERCELLONE, Carlo, 2014. Cognitive-cultural production, digital labour and the new frontiers of knowledge. A conversation with Allen J. Scott [en ligne]. January 2014. Disponible à l'adresse :
